Judgment 56727/18

Applicant type natural person (prisoner)
Number of applicants 9
Country Russia
Application no.56727/18 668/19 37713/20 42078/20
55929/20 13761/21 21878/21 21945/21 30587/21
Date 11/01/2024
Judges María Elósegui, President,
 Mattias Guyomar,
 Kateřina Šimáčková
Institution Court
Type Judgment
Outcome Art. 8 Violation
Reason Unlawful; not necessary (prevention crime and disorder)
Type of privacy Relational privacy
Keywords Family visit
Facts of the caseThe applicants complained principally of the restrictions on family visits in pre-trial detention facilities. They relied, expressly or in substance, on Article 8 of the Convention.
Analysis mini judgment
Other Article violation? Yes, many
Damage awarded 40.500
Documents Judgment