Judgment 41539/18

Applicant type Natural person (prisoner)
Number of applicants 51
Country Russia
Application no.41539/18 41927/18 42048/18 42446/18 42832/18 42843/18 42934/18 43137/18 43158/18 43170/18 44539/18 44565/18 44617/18 45200/18 45827/18 46288/18 46556/18 46596/18 47490/18 47560/18 47565/18 47947/18 48634/18 49012/18 49439/18 49523/18 49597/18 49699/18 49714/18 49940/18 50043/18 50552/18 50942/18 51296/18 51558/18 51667/18 52172/18 52378/18 52685/18 52926/18 53190/18 53248/18 53331/18 53723/18 53942/18 53971/18 54547/18 54682/18 54788/18 55019/18 5682/20 
Date 11/01/2024
Judges María Elósegui, President,
 Mattias Guyomar,
 Kateřina Šimáčková
Institution Court
Type Judgment
Outcome Art. 8 Violation
Reason Unlawful
Type of privacy Informational privacy
Keywords Surveillance
Facts of the case Art. 8 (1) – permanent video surveillance of detainees in pre-trial or post-conviction detention facilities – video surveillance of the applicant in IK-25, Komi Republic, since 12/2018 and on-going as of 16/09/2022. It includes, in particular: detention in different cells with video surveillance; opposite-sex operators; video surveillance in shower rooms; video surveillance during medical examinations;
 Art. 8 (1) – restrictions on family visits in pre-trial facilities – all applicants complain about the refusals of long-term family visits in SIZO-3, Sterlitamak, where the first applicant was detained between 04/02/2015 and 22/10/2020
Art. 8 (1) – permanent video surveillance of detainees in pre-trial or post-conviction detention facilities – in IK-31 Komi Republic since 11/09/2020, pending as of 16/09/2022, video surveillance by opposite-sex operators
Art. 8 (1) – permanent video surveillance of detainees in pre-trial or post-conviction detention facilities – permanent video surveillance in IK-6 Krasnoyarsk Region where he was detained between 02/05 and 10/05/2018, and between 26/05 and 01/06/2018 (video surveillance in a lavatory and/or shower room, opposite-sex operators)
Art. 8 (1) – lack of practical opportunities for or restriction on prison visits – impossibility to see and have physical contact with the applicant’s wife and relatives.
Art. 8 (1) – restrictions on family visits in pre-trial facilities – the applicants are the detainee and his family members – mother, father, child. Relevant period – from 20/02/2015 to 21/09/2020 (the date of transfer to the correctional facility); they complain that they had been denied family visits while the first applicant was in pre-trial detention during the above indicated period. On 20/02/2015 the first applicant was placed in pre-trial detention. On 30/07/2018 the Privolzhskiy District Military Court convicted him, upheld on appeal – 21/09/2020, by the Supreme Court
Analysis mini-judgment
Other Article violation? yes, many
Damage awarded 30250 awarded to 6 applicants
Documents Judgment