Judgment 11278/19

Applicant name TRANDA AND OTHERS
Applicant type natural person (prison)
Number of applicants 50
Country RUSSIA
Application no. 11/01/2024
Date 11/01/2024
Judges María Elósegui, President,
 Mattias Guyomar,
 Kateřina Šimáčková
Institution Court
Type Judgment
Outcome Art. 8 Violation
Reason Unlawful
Type of privacy Relational privacy
Keywords Family visit
Facts of the case Art. 8 (1) – restrictions on family visits in pre-trial facilities – SIZO-3 St Petersburg, physical separation and supervision during short-term family visits, refusal of long-term family visits. On 14/04/2021 the Vyborg Town Court of Leningrad Region granted the applicant’s request of long-term family visit. The decision has not yet been enforced. On 23/07/2021 the applicant was convicted but seems to be detained awaiting appeal.
Analysis mini-judgment
Other Article violation? yes, many
Damage awarded 4.500 awarded to 1 applicant invoking Article 8 ECHR
Documents Judgment