
Applicant name X.
Applicant type Natural personal
Country Ireland
Decision no. 4125/69
Date 4/07/1970
Institution Commission (Plenary)
Type Decision (Partial)
Outcome Art. 8 Inadmissible
Reason No interference
Type of privacy Family Privacy; locational privacy
Keywords Housing condition
Facts of the case Man has dispute(s) at work; he feels the state does not adequately deel with that dispute. Jobless, he decides to stop paying certain taxes, to attract attention, but is fined and imprisonned for that. Having no money, he and his family are forced to live with his parents. In addition to this fact, his wife suffers from depression resulting from his lack of permanent employment. He alleges that this amounts to an interference with his home and family life contrary to Article 8 (Art. 8) of the Convention
Analysis The Commission does not see what could be the interference.
Documents Decision