
Applicant name Z.F.
Applicant type Natural Person (prisoner)
Country Germany
Decision no. 1622/62
Date 08/07/1964
Institution Commission
Type Decision
Outcome Art. 8 Inadmissible
Reason Ratione Materiae
Type of privacy Family Life
Keywords Immigrant; pardon; repatriation
Facts of the case Polish man is convicted in Germany. After his sentence, he is allowed to repatriate to Poland and there is a ban to stay in Germany. He however stays in Germany and commits offences. He is sentenced and imprisoned. His request for release and pardon are denied. He claims a violation of many Convention rights, among other of Article 8 ECHR, presumably because he believes his family life is disrupted.
Analysis The Commission is clear and short: there is no right under the European Convention on Human Rights to repatriate while being imprisoned and there appears to be no violation of the Convention rights on any account. The most interesting aspect of this case is that it fits in the earlier jurisprudence of the Commission and the Court in which the control over national territory and who is allowed to enter it is seen as the raison d’être of the state. The Commission in this case underlines: ‘que tout grief formulé par une personne physique, une organisation non gouver­ nementale ou un groupe de particuliers doit avoir trait, selon l’article 25 1, à une atteinte alléguée à ces droits et libertés, faute de quoi son examen échappe à la compétence ratione materiae de la Commission; que le droit d’entrer sur le territoire d’un Etat étranger et d’y fixer sa résidence ne figure pas, en tant que tel, parmi lesdits droits et libertés, ainsi d’ailleurs que la Cornmission l’a constaté dans de nombreuses décisions antérieures (c . p.e. les decisions sur la reccvabilité des requêtes nos 238, 312 et 434, Annuaire I, p. 205 et Annuaire II, pp. 352 et 35l ) ; que la requête est donc, sous ce rapport, incompatible avec les dispositionsde la Convention (article 27§ 2)’
Documents Decision